State of the Industry / History of Video Game AI
Common Game AI Techniques
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Abstract: This article provides a survey of common game AI techniques that are well known, understood, and widely used. Each technique is explained in simplest terms along with references for delving deeper. Techniques include A* Pathfinding, Command Hierarchies, Dead Reckoning, Emergent Behavior, Flocking, Formations, Influence Mapping, Level-of-Detail AI, Manager Task Assignment, Obstacle Avoidance, Scripting, State Machines, Stack-Based State Machines, Subsumption Architectures, Terrain Analysis, and Trigger Systems.
Promising Game AI Techniques
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Abstract: This article provides a survey of promising game AI techniques that are on the forefront of game AI. Each technique is explained in simplest terms along with references for delving deeper. Techniques include Bayesian Networks, Blackboard Architectures, Decision Tree Learning, Filtered Randomness, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, N-Gram Statistical Prediction, Neural Networks, Perceptrons, Planning, Player Modeling, Production Systems, Reinforcement Learning, Reputation Systems, Smart Terrain, Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech, and Weakness Modification Learning.
New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence
Topics: General; Genres: General
Abstract: This article introduces some new ideas in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Many researchers are looking more toward nature for inspiration, finding many useful design solutions to the problem of behaving in a dirty, noisy world. While traditional AI techniques (OldAI) have had much success in formal domains, such as chess, they often do not scale well and are sometimes impossible to apply in less discrete domains.
A better understanding of the techniques inspired by natural intelligence (NewAI) in addition to OldAI techniques will lead to a much more complete toolbox for an AI designer. This will allow agents to be designed to behave more naturally and a better understanding of why they fail in particular situations, leading to more believable motions and behaviors in games.
The Evolution of Game AI
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Abstract: This article provides a big-picture summary of game AI: what it is, where it's going, where it's been, how it can grow, and what makes it so different from any other discipline. We give a broad overview of the evolution of AI in games since the birth of the videogame, as well as the evolution of a game AI within the scope of a game's development. We also describe many of the academic AI techniques that have been applied to games, explain the important distinctions between the needs and approaches mainstream AI and game AIs of various genres, and discuss some of the ways that game AI technologies are likely to grow in the future.
Game AI: The State of the Industry 2001-2002 Steven Woodcock (Wyrd Wyrks)
Game Developer Magazine, July 2002.
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Abstract: In the last year, AI game programmers have been focused on one thing - building their AIs with a
more straightforward and elegant approach. Developers are primarily focused on the tried and true. This
article covers the state of the industry for game AI from anecdotes and statistical data gathered at the
2002 Game Developers Conference.
Artificial Intelligence in Game Design Tim Schreiner, July 2002.
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Abstract: With important upcoming video games focusing on single player only, it can be surmised
that game designers know the importance of AI. Its important roles in design are narrowed down to
three, and analysed further.
Game Developers Conference 2001: An AI Perspective Eric Dybsand (Glacier Edge Technology)
Available Online at Gamasutra, 2001.
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Abstract: A computer game industry insider reviews many of the AI topic
lectures, presentations, tutorials, roundtables, and sessions that
were presented at the 2001 Game Developers Conference held in
March, 2001 (including the infamous AI Programmer's Dinner).
The Future of AI in Games: A Personal View Richard Evans (Lionhead Studios)
Game Developer Magazine, August 2001.
Topics: Architecture, Learning, History; Genres: General
Game AI: The State of the Industry Steven Woodcock (Wyrd Wyrks)
Game Developer Magazine, August 2001.
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
The Future of Game AI Dave Pottinger (Ensemble Studios)
Game Developer Magazine, August 2000.
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Game AI: The State of the Industry Steven Woodcock (Wyrd Wyrks)
Game Developer Magazine, August 2000.
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Game AI: The State of the Industry Steven Woodcock (Wyrd Wyrks)
Game Developer Magazine, August 1999.
Available Online at Gamasutra, 1999.
Topics: History, General; Genres: General
Game AI: The State of the Industry Steven Woodcock (Wyrd Wyrks)
Game Developer Magazine, October 1998.
Available Online at Gamasutra, 1998.
Topics: History, General; Genres: General