Call For Proposals: AI Game Programming Wisdom 3
Deadline for Proposals: June 1st, 2005 (late proposals will be considered).
Once again Charles River Media and series editor Steve Rabin are looking for game developers to share their wisdom in the next brand new volume of the groundbreaking AI Game Programming Wisdom series. Anything that an AI game programmer would typically deal with is fair game, including pathfinding, animation control, scripting, learning, and various decision-making techniques. Selected authors will have several months to write and will share in a portion of the book's royalties. Proposals for 8-20 page articles are now being accepted until June 1st (but late submissions will be considered).
Submitting a Proposal - Follow these steps:
- Prove that you can follow directions by including each of the following. Experience shows that people who include all items are more reliable and dependable, and thus are more likely to be chosen to write for the book.
- E-mail your proposal to aiwisdom3@gmail.com
- Make the subject of the e-mail your proposed article title.
- Write at least two detailed paragraphs explaining your topic. More details = better chance of acceptance. We like overachievers.
- Was the technique used in a game? Which game? Released or unreleased?
- Will you include a demo or source code with your article? (this will increase your chances of being chosen)
- Estimate the number of pages. We're looking for 8-20 pages per article (figures take 1/2 page each).
- Describe any previous writing experience.
- Describe your experience in the game industry and/or academic degrees. (people with no direct game industry experience have been chosen in the past)
- Include all contact information in case we have questions.
- Submit only one proposal per e-mail.
Note: Please submit several different proposals to increase your chances of being chosen.
June 1st: Deadline for Proposals
June 11th: Proposals chosen
June 11th - August 1st: Authors write articles / demos
August 1st - Oct 1st: Peer review, editing, revisions
Oct 1st - Dec 1st: Final editing
March, 2006: Book is published
Ideas for Proposals
- First look at articles in past AI Wisdom books: AI Wisdom, AI Wisdom 2.
- You can have follow-ups on previous AI Wisdom articles, but it must have new information.
- Think about what AI systems you've developed that you were proud of. Are there any insights or algorithms that could help others?
- Did you learn the hard way how to correctly architect an AI for a particular genre (like football, RTS, or racing)? Could you explain a framework that worked well?
- Did you figure out a simple system or algorithm that appeared to have much more intelligence than it actually had?
- Do you have a horror story or lessons learned to share, like Mark Brockington's article "How Not to Write a Scripting Language"?
- Can you describe academic research that can be applied to practical game development?
- Do you have a small code base that you'd like to share (like Michael Zarozinski's "Free Fuzzy Logic Library" in the first AI Wisdom)?
- Do you have any wisdom gleaned from your last project that you'd like to share?
- Can you analyze and compare methods for a specific technique (like the article "The Ultimate Guide to FSMs in Games" in AI Wisdom2)?
- Do you have a collection of wisdom for a particular aspect of AI game programming (like the article "Strategies for Optimizing AI" in GPG2)?
- Have you found a really good use for more exotic AI techniques like Neural Networks or Genetic Algorithms?
- Have you used a common AI technique in an unconventional way?
Sections we are considering for the book:
- General Wisdom
- Movement and Pathfinding
- Animation Control
- General Architectures
- Tactics and Planning
- FPS, RTS, and Strategy AI
- Sports and Racing AI
- Scripting / Drama Managers
- Tools for AI Development
- Learning, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms
- Adaptive Gameplay (dynamic difficulty adjustment, hint systems, intelligent interfaces)
Compensation for Articles
Authors will receive 2 free books.
Authors will split 10% of the book royalties, based on the number of articles they write.
Royalties are paid twice a year after the book is published.
About the Series Editor
Steve Rabin has worked in the games industry for more than a decade and is currently
a senior software engineer at Nintendo of America. He has written AI for three
published games and is a significant contributor to the Game Programming Gems
series, as well as the founder and chief editor of Introduction to Game Development
and the AI Game Programming Wisdom series.
He has spoken at the Game Developers Conference and is an instructor in the Game
Development Certificate Program through the University of Washington Extension. Steve
holds a B.S. in computer engineering from the University of Washington and is pursuing
a master's degree in computer science.
Deadline for Proposals: June 1st, 2005.